Notes,Summary And Formulas - Surface Areas And Volumes Class 10th » CBSE CYCLE

Notes,Summary And Formulas – Surface Areas and Volumes Class 10th

Introduction to Surface Areas and Volumes

As we delve into the captivating realm of geometry, the concepts of surface areas and volumes take center stage. These concepts play a pivotal role in various real-life scenarios, from constructing buildings to designing intricate structures. In essence, surface area represents the total area covered by the outer surface of a three-dimensional object, while volume quantifies the amount of space enclosed by the object.

Surface Area: The Basics Unveiled

Understanding Surface Area

Imagine wrapping a gift box – the paper you use covers the entire outer surface. Similarly, the surface area of a three-dimensional object is the sum of all the areas of its individual faces or surfaces. Each face contributes to the total surface area, and understanding this concept is fundamental to mastering more complex shapes.

Surface Area of a Cuboid: Unveiling the Formula

A cuboid, often encountered in everyday objects like books and bricks, has six rectangular faces. To calculate its surface area, we use the formula:

Surface Area of Cuboid = 2(lw + lh + wh)

Where l, w, and h represent the length, width, and height of the cuboid, respectively.

Surface Area of a Cube: Mastering the Calculation

A cube, a special type of cuboid, boasts six square faces of equal dimensions. The formula to determine its surface area is surprisingly straightforward:

Surface Area of Cube = 6s²

Here, s stands for the length of the side of the cube.

Stay tuned as we continue our journey through the intriguing world of surface areas and volumes, exploring more shapes and their calculations.

Embracing Cylinders and Cones: Surface Area Computation

In our quest to conquer surface areas, let’s now shift our focus to the mesmerizing shapes of cylinders and cones.

Calculating Surface Area of a Right Circular Cylinder

A cylinder, often resembling cans and containers, possesses two circular bases and a curved lateral surface. The formula for its surface area involves the circumference of the base circle and its height:

Surface Area of Cylinder = 2πr(r + h)

Where r represents the radius of the base and h signifies the height of the cylinder.

Unraveling the Surface Area of a Right Circular Cone

Picture an ice cream cone – a classic example of a cone shape. To find the surface area of such a cone, we use:

Surface Area of Cone = πr(r + l)

In this formula, r stands for the radius of the base, and l denotes the slant height of the cone.

Navigating Spheres and Hemispheres: Surface Area Exposed

Spheres and hemispheres introduce us to a world of symmetry and elegance.

Demystifying Surface Area of a Sphere

A sphere, resembling a perfectly round ball, showcases a remarkably simple formula for surface area:

Surface Area of Sphere = 4πr²

Here, r signifies the sphere’s radius.

Surface Area of a Hemisphere: Grasping the Concept

A hemisphere, quite literally half a sphere, presents an intriguing formula:

Surface Area of Hemisphere = 2πr²

This concise formula simplifies surface area calculations for this unique shape.

Unveiling the World of Volume

Having explored the intricacies of surface areas, let’s now delve into the captivating realm of volume.

Introduction to Volume

Volume quantifies the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object. It’s akin to measuring how much water a container can hold.

Volume of a Cuboid: Formula and Insight

To calculate the volume of a cuboid, we use the simple formula:

Volume of Cuboid = lwh

This formula multiplies the length, width, and height of the cuboid.

Volume of a Cube: Understanding the Calculation

For a cube, the volume calculation is delightfully straightforward:

Volume of Cube = s³

In this formula, s represents the length of the side.

Determining the Volume of a Right Circular Cylinder

The volume of a cylinder involves the base circle’s area and its height:

Volume of Cylinder = πr²h

Where r is the radius of the base and h is the cylinder’s height.

Calculating the Volume of a Right Circular Cone

The volume of a cone is a third of the volume of a cylinder with the same base and height:

Volume of Cone = (1/3)πr²h

Here, r is the base radius, and h is the height of the cone.

Exploring the Volume of a Sphere

The volume of a sphere is equally elegant:

Volume of Sphere = (4/3)πr³

Where r represents the sphere’s radius.

Volume of a Hemisphere: The Inside Story

For a hemisphere, the volume formula simplifies to

Volume of Hemisphere = (2/3)πr³

This formula captures the unique volume calculation of half a sphere.

Things to Remember: Quick Tips for Success

As you embark on your journey through the realm of surface areas and volumes, keep these essential tips in mind:

  • Visualize: Imagine real-life objects to grasp concepts better.
  • Practice: Solving a variety of problems enhances your skills.
  • Units: Always include units (cm², m³, etc.) in your answers.

Sample Questions to Sharpen Your Skills

  • Calculate the surface area of a cuboid with dimensions 8 cm × 5 cm × 3 cm.
  • Determine the volume of a cone with a radius of 6 cm and a height of 9 cm.
  • Find the surface area of a hemisphere with a radius of 10 cm.

Previous Year’s Questions: Learning from the Past

  • In a cube, the length of one diagonal is 6√3 cm. Find the volume of the cube.
  • A cylindrical tank has a radius of 7 meters and a height of 14 meters. Calculate the volume of the tank.
  • The surface area of a sphere is 154 cm². Calculate its radius.

Congratulations! You’ve journeyed through the captivating world of surface areas and volumes. Armed with these insights, formulas, and problem-solving techniques, you’re well-equipped to tackle a wide range of challenges. Remember, practice makes perfect, and as you continue to explore the wonders of geometry, you’ll uncover even more fascinating intricacies. Keep learning, keep exploring, and keep conquering the exciting realm of mathematics!

All Formulas :


  • Surface Area Formula: The surface area of a cuboid is calculated using the formula: two times the sum of the products of its length, width, and height, which is 2(��+�ℎ+�ℎ).
  • Volume Formula: The volume of a cuboid can be found by multiplying its length, width, and height together, giving us ��ℎ.


  • Surface Area Formula: The surface area of a cube is given by the formula: six times the square of the length of its side, which is 6�2.
  • Volume Formula: To calculate the volume of a cube, we simply raise the length of its side to the power of 3, resulting in �3.

Right Circular Cylinder:

  • Surface Area Formula: The surface area of a right circular cylinder involves the use of its radius and height. It is given by the formula: twice the product of pi and the cylinder’s radius, multiplied by the sum of the radius and the height, or 2��(�+ℎ).
  • Volume Formula: The volume of a right circular cylinder can be determined by multiplying the square of its radius by its height and pi, resulting in ��2ℎ.

Right Circular Cone:

  • Surface Area Formula: The surface area of a right circular cone is calculated using the formula: the product of pi and the cone’s radius, multiplied by the sum of the radius and its slant height, or ��(�+�).
  • Volume Formula: The volume of a right circular cone is one-third the product of pi, the square of the radius, and the cone’s height, or 13��2ℎ.


  • Surface Area Formula: The surface area of a sphere is given by the formula: four times pi times the square of the sphere’s radius, which is 4��2.
  • Volume Formula: The volume of a sphere is calculated by four-thirds times pi times the cube of its radius, or 43��3.


  • Surface Area Formula: The surface area of a hemisphere is calculated using the formula: twice pi times the square of the hemisphere’s radius, or 2��2.
  • Volume Formula: The volume of a hemisphere is two-thirds times pi times the cube of its radius, or 23��3.

These formulas are essential tools for solving problems related to surface areas and volumes of various geometric shapes. Utilize them to gain a deeper understanding of these mathematical concepts and their applications.

In the table above, represents length, represents width, represents height, represents the length of the side, represents the radius of the base, and represents the slant height of the cone.

These formulas are essential tools for calculating the surface areas and volumes of different geometric shapes. Use them as a reference to solve problems and deepen your understanding of these mathematical concepts.

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